academic options:
Local Resources: Schools working with learning and social emotional disabilities, online programs, charter schools, support groups, issue specific groups, counselors, therapists, outpatient programs, mentors and others.
National Resources: Boarding schools both traditional and therapeutic, short term therapeutic programs, wilderness programs, residential treatment and others.
Children with Learning, Attention and Developmental Differences: Mediation with current school, assistance with school discipline issues, assessments, testing referrals, special schools, specialty boarding schools, tutors, special education advocacy, 504 plan creation.
At risk youth: Interventions, outpatient, local support groups, wilderness programs, testing, referrals, addiction help, therapeutic programs, residential treatment, placement out of the home through county agencies such as Human Services, probation, etc. Mediating with schools on prevalent youth barriers such as school discipline, social emotional supports, learning disabilities, ESL services, expulsions, academic deficit, multiple school placements, records transfers etc.